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Friday Five: Summer Solstice Edition

Why Are We Signing Our Emails With “Thank You”?

More traditional valedictions have been replaced with “Thank you” so subtly that it’s now a common sign-off in this medium. But what does it mean? And why is it more acceptable than “Sincerely” or “Yours truly”?

Web Tableaus

The past week has provided a few notable redesigns of popular web services, including Squarespace and MailChimp. It’s interesting to note the visual similarities in how they have chosen to present themselves: photographed tableaus with props around laptops, tablets, and phones.

Most of your AB-tests will fail

Jitbit are a bit pessimistic, but they bring up good points. Changing a color of a button probably won’t get you 300% results. The reason we test is because nothing is an “automatic slam-dunk” and we need to run an experiment to prove statistical significance. But we’ve gotta say that our batting average here at Trinity Insight is pretty good.

Google Analytics: 21 Inaccurate Traffic Sources, Setup Mistakes and Fixes

It’s very clever. Google Analytics combines Javascript with cookies to track all kinds of data about visitors. You don’t need to install anything on your server, and they don’t need to look at your log files. It’s brilliant, but it has its issues.

Science Of Persuasion