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Social Logins Increasingly Popular Among Consumers

In a new survey released by Gigya this week, 77% of participants stated that they use a social login to sign up for websites. Gigya said that this is an increase of 45% from 2012, the last time the survey was conducted.

Despite fears from consumers over what websites would do with their social data, more than 65% of respondents said that they use social logins whenever they can.

Convenience Is King

By allowing social plugins, websites offer a frictionless way for users to login. Instead of presenting them with a registration form, requiring that they set up a new user name and password specifically with your site, they can instead register with a product that they use daily.

The study shows that customers are more than willing to share their social data with companies, as long as they can see how it benefits them. Companies looking to give this option to their clients should be transparent about how they’ll use this consumer data. Gigya’s SocialPrivacy Certification program suggests the following best practices:

Promote Word Of Mouth Advertising

Social logins are the easiest way for websites to encourage a user to register, and it’s an option that is quickly becoming the norm instead of the exception. Not only does it provide your webmasters with valuable usage data, but it opens up a new avenue for your company to reach potential consumers.

Combined with share buttons on your content pages, clients can share your products with their network of friends, giving you a valuable social recommendation and putting your website in front of users who might not have discovered it otherwise.

Provided you can show that you take their privacy seriously, allowing social media logins are an excellent way to connect with both new and existing clients without forcing them to invest the time and effort in creating an account that is unique to your own site. In today’s retail climate, convenience is king.