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Sales on Smartphones Double in One Year, Shows Signs of Monumental Growth

Hovering around 3%, there is no question that desktop conversion rates still reign supreme. But one study of 26 e-retailers has shown a leap in sales made on smartphones.

Making up 10% of $152 million in online revenue in June 2014, web sales from smartphones doubled from 5% in June 2013. While this jump may not be true for all e-commerce businesses, mobile conversion rate has seen steady growth, growing from .74% to .86% in the last year.

Let’s take a look at the numbers behind this conversion:

Of course, these numbers are exciting (especially that revenue growth!), but they don’t tell you why it’s happening.

We use our smartphones everywhere and brands are taking notice. From launching promo codes via Instagram to swiping your phone to pay for your morning coffee, the number of ways brands enable mobile spending are becoming endless. With this being said, there is no doubt the upwards trend in m-commerce and smartphone conversion rates will continue.

Source: Internet Retailer