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5 Tips to Get The Most Out of Your Conversion Optimization Partnership

  1. Don’t underestimate the value of good data

    Data is the foundational component of ANY healthy marketing or user experience program. Understanding not only how to capture and analyze your data, but also how to leverage it to create richer and more personalized experiences is the single most important building block in improving your customer’s experience.

    The difficulty companies have is in quantifying its value in order to justify its expense. The reality is that it’s almost impossible to extract it’s true ROI, just as it is for a craftsman to quantify the value of their tape measure. Our thought is that if you haven’t carved out part of your budget for increasing the intelligence of your online business, and aren’t interested in justifying its expense out of sheer necessity, then a successful relationship built around that intelligence will be difficult to achieve. In most cases, the sophistication of your data is a key barometer for how your business is positioned to succeed over the coming years in the areas of both customer experience and programmatic marketing.

  2. Don’t be afraid to ask questions

    Asking questions, when you have them, is a critical aspect of any truthful relationship. We build checkpoints into all our efforts to ensure we give you an opportunity to ask questions, align on the reasoning, and come to agreement that this is best path to take right now. We build these checkpoints strategically so that we’re not unnecessarily doing efforts that will have to be undone later, that’s just wasteful.

    Every ounce of energy and effort we put into trying to create better experiences, healthier marketing programs, and smarter data systems is done in hope of helping your business, but the reality is they don’t all succeed, and that’s OK. This creates new information and another opportunity to ask questions, and will lead us to the path that will ultimately help your business. The worst thing that can happen in a partnership like this, is for either of our organizations to stop communication that will assist with understanding, realigning,and agreeing on next steps.

  3. Communicate your plans

    Please, please, please keep us in the loop. On promotions, campaigns, pricing changes, shipping strategies, new competitors and/or any ideas you might have. There are so many variables that affect the health and performance of your website and marketing programs that literally the only mistake you can make in accounting for this is assuming that something you’re working on won’t affect our efforts.

    While all these variables make it nearly impossible to measure customer experience against a rational ROI, they surely affect our planning and next steps as we pragmatically navigate the controlled and uncontrolled aspects of your online business. Our team will work with you to make this as painless as possible, but keeping us in the loop will give us an opportunity to consider your ideas and plans and ensure that we’re factoring them into our plans and efforts.

  4. Set realistic expectations

    Improving your customer’s experience isn’t a race, it’s a marathon. And if it was THAT easy we would be done already. The reality is, our work is never finished as the world around us changes and our customer’s expectations grow while the technology available to us rises up to meet those expectations. It will always be a continuous improvement process laced with both failure and success, the secret sauce is using both to our advantage in an effort to move forward. Trying new things will inherently create failure, there’s no getting around it, but our commitment is always to be focused on finding improvements and mitigating your risk of negatively impacting your business.

    The cost value of this activity is drastically lower working with us vs. staffing a team of designers, engineers and analysts. Not to mention added technology costs. On the surface you may be tempted to measure us in terms of old-school ROI thinking, we know the story goes far beyond that. Your expectations of our team should be that we:

    Help define and align on the goals you have for creating a differentiated customer experience

    Plan and execute against those goals

    Ensure we’re speaking truthfully through data to guide our way

    Expect leadership, expect integrity and expect efficient execution, but don’t expect miracles (although don’t completely rule them out either).

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  1. Be open to new ideas

    One very valuable, often overlooked, benefit of having an outside partner helping you manage your customer’s experiences and/or marketing programs is that we’re going to think differently. Inside the walls of your organization ideas tend to become limited by the parameters you’ve defined as possible, but what’s possible is rarely ever a technological question anymore and is more a question of willingness and acceptance to try new things.

    We’ve worked with hundreds of organizations, gaining extensive knowledge and experience that allows us to adapt and cater to any unique relationship. We are going to push your boundaries of what’s perceived to be possible and/or impactful. As our team strives on your behalf to improve your business, we are not going to be bound by the same limits you have in house. Experienced ideation applied against your business goals is just another area we bring intangible value to our relationship.